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Configurar Vlan En Router Cisco 1841

service timestamps debug datetime msecservice timestamps log datetime msecno service password-encryption!hostname cisco1841!boot-start-markerboot-end-marker!!!aaa new-model!!aaa authentication login default localaaa authentication login ciscocp_vpn_xauth_ml_1 localaaa authorization exec default localaaa authorization network ciscocp_vpn_group_ml_1 local!!!!!aaa session-id common!no process cpu extended historyno process cpu autoprofile hogdot11 syslogip source-routeno ip routing!!!!!no ip cefip inspect name CCP_LOW dnsip inspect name CCP_LOW ftpip inspect name CCP_LOW h323ip inspect name CCP_LOW sipip inspect name CCP_LOW icmpip inspect name CCP_LOW netshowip inspect name CCP_LOW rcmdip inspect name CCP_LOW realaudioip inspect name CCP_LOW rtspip inspect name CCP_LOW sqlnetip inspect name CCP_LOW streamworksip inspect name CCP_LOW tftpip inspect name CCP_LOW tcpip inspect name CCP_LOW udpip inspect name CCP_LOW vdoliveip name-server

1841#vlan database 1841(vlan)#vl1841(vlan)#vlan 2VLAN 2 added: Name: VLAN00021841(vlan)#app1841(vlan)#apply APPLY completed.1841(vlan)#exitAPPLY completed.Exiting....

Configurar Vlan En Router Cisco 1841

Current configuration : 3847 bytes!! No configuration change since last restart!version 12.2no service padservice timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezoneservice timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezoneservice password-encryption!hostname SWITCH1!boot-start-markerboot-end-marker!logging buffered 40960enable secret 5 !username fujitsu privilege 15 secret 5 username kbwalkeradm privilege 15 secret 5 aaa new-model!!aaa authentication login default localaaa authorization consoleaaa authorization exec default local!!!aaa session-id commonsystem mtu routing 1500ip subnet-zero!spanning-tree mode pvstno spanning-tree optimize bpdu transmissionspanning-tree extend system-id!vlan internal allocation policy ascending!!!interface FastEthernet0/1 description UPLINK2RB and router switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,60 switchport mode trunk!interface FastEthernet0/2!interface FastEthernet0/3!interface FastEthernet0/4!interface FastEthernet0/5!interface FastEthernet0/6!interface FastEthernet0/7!interface FastEthernet0/8!interface FastEthernet0/9!interface FastEthernet0/10!interface FastEthernet0/11!interface FastEthernet0/12!interface FastEthernet0/13!interface FastEthernet0/14!interface FastEthernet0/15!interface FastEthernet0/16!interface FastEthernet0/17!interface FastEthernet0/18!interface FastEthernet0/19!interface FastEthernet0/20!interface FastEthernet0/21!interface FastEthernet0/22!interface FastEthernet0/23!interface FastEthernet0/24!interface FastEthernet0/25!interface FastEthernet0/26!interface FastEthernet0/27!interface FastEthernet0/28!interface FastEthernet0/29!interface FastEthernet0/30!interface FastEthernet0/31!interface FastEthernet0/32!interface FastEthernet0/33!interface FastEthernet0/34!interface FastEthernet0/35!interface FastEthernet0/36!interface FastEthernet0/37!interface FastEthernet0/38!interface FastEthernet0/39!interface FastEthernet0/40!interface FastEthernet0/41!interface FastEthernet0/42!interface FastEthernet0/43!interface FastEthernet0/44!interface FastEthernet0/45!interface FastEthernet0/46!interface FastEthernet0/47!interface FastEthernet0/48 description UPLINK to Teleco Management Switch DOCTG1-S1 switchport trunk native vlan 60 switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,60 switchport mode trunk no cdp enable!interface GigabitEthernet0/1!interface GigabitEthernet0/2!interface Vlan1 ip address no ip route-cache!ip default-gateway ip http server!!control-plane!!line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0line vty 0 4 access-class mgmt_in inline vty 5 15 access-class mgmt_in in!ntp clock-period 36028204ntp server preferend

I was given the challenge to setup a Cisco 1841 router with two Fast Ethernet interface and a four Fast Ethernet-port switch module to configure redundancy across two Internet Service Providers (ISP).

The Config tab offers four general levels of configuration: global, routing, switching (Cisco 1841 and Cisco 2811 only), and interface. To perform a global configuration, click the GLOBAL button to expand the Settings button (if it has not already been expanded). To configure routing, click the ROUTING button, and then choose Static or RIP. To configure switching, click the SWITCHING button to expand the VLAN Database button. To configure an interface, click the INTERFACE button to expand the list of interfaces, and then choose the interface. Note that the Config tab provides an alternative to the Cisco IOS CLI only for some simple, common features; to access the full set of router commands that have been modeled you must use the Cisco IOS CLI.

The Cisco 1841 and 2811 routers support VLAN configuration. You can manage the VLANs on the router from the VLAN Database sub-panel. You can add VLANs by entering a name and a VLAN number and pressing the Add button. You can see all existing VLAN entries in the list below the button. You can remove a VLAN by selecting it in the list and then pressing the Remove button.

Our second case is how to enable DHCP on router for multiple broadcast domains. In our second Cisco packet tracer example, we will use ip helper, cisco command ip helper-address. So, what is ip helper address?

When you click laptop on cisco packet tracer, you will see some tabs. In the desktop tab, there is a terminal configuration. When you click it, you will see the terminal settings. If you would like to connect to a router, you should set the settings as below:

In order to configure a VLAN on a Cisco 1841 router, the router must first be connected to a Layer 2 switch that supports VLANs. The switch must be configured with the desired VLANs. Once the switch is configured, the router can be connected to the switch and the VLANs will be carried across the link. The router can be configured to use a specific VLAN for all traffic, or it can be configured to use different VLANs for different types of traffic. For example, the router can be configured to use a VLAN for all traffic to and from the Internet, and a separate VLAN for all traffic to and from the LAN. To configure the router to use a specific VLAN for all traffic, the following command can be used: Router(config)#interface fastethernet 0/0 Router(config-if)#ip address Router(config-if)#ip nat inside Router(config-if)#ip virtual-reassembly Router(config-if)#duplex full Router(config-if)#speed 100 Router(config-if)#no keepalive Router(config-if)#no cdp enable Router(config-if)#vlan-tagging 100 Router(config-if)#exit The above command will configure the router to use VLAN 100 for all traffic. To configure the router to use different VLANs for different types of traffic, the following command can be used: Router(config)#interface fastethernet 0/0 Router(config-if)#ip address Router(config-if)#ip nat inside Router(config-if)#ip virtual-reassembly Router(config-if)#duplex full Router(config-if)#speed 100 Router(config-if)#no keepalive Router(config-if)#no cdp enable Router(config-if)#vlan-tagging Router(

CLI is a method of configuring VLAN Routing using the same physical port configuration as VLAN Routers. In the most basic way, if you created a VLAN, you must first use the show ip vlan command to determine its interface ID, which you can then use in router configuration. 2ff7e9595c

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